Google´s Search Engine

Google is the most used search engine in the world and therefore also has a dominant position on the Internet.
In order to present the best search results and to prevent websites from being prepared for this only, we call it, the so-called search engine algorithm is very often changed / adapted.


This is changed about 500 times a year, i.e. several times a day. However, most of the changes are very small.
There are also large so-called “core updates”, announced or surprising, which can cause large fluctuations in the ranking, and within a short period of time.


  • SEO – Search Engine Optimization
  • Google Search Engine
  • Google Algorithm Updates
  • SEO – Services
  • Ranking
  • SEO Partner
Bali SEO Google Update Algorithm

SEO - Ongoing Task

Search engine optimization (SEO) is not a one-time action on which you can then rest confidently. Secure yourself with an SEO service contract so that any product updates on your homepage can be quickly adapted to SEO.

SEO BALI - Your Partner for Search Engine Optimization

We offer individual service contracts, tailor-made for YOUR company. We look back on many years of experience in the dynamic world of the Internet, we are your contact in matters of SEO and websites.
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In Cooperation with Impact Marketing Bali
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